But how much do you have Heaven on your mind? I know I have it a lot! The more I draw closer to my Heavenly Daddy, the more I desire to see and want to spend eternity with Him.
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself: that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:1-3)
So what can we expect in Heaven? Jesse Duplantis, Evangelist wrote a book called, "Close Encounters of the God Kind" where he took a supernatural trip to heaven in 1988.
Jesse was at a revival meeting in August of 1988. Having lunch with a few pastors when he felt such a compulsion to return back to his hotel room. He told the pastors that he just had to get back to his room. They thought something was wrong with him.
He left the food on the table and hurried back. The hotel was right across the street from the restaurant. Jesse walked in his room and proceeded to go down on his knees before the Lord. He said, "Lord, what what?" And as Jesse puts it, the next thing he felt was like he was sucked out of his room. He feels he was still in his body but was moving at such a high speed. Encountering an angel who said to him that he had an appointment with the Great God Jehovah and we must go to the City.
Jesse shares so much more in depth in his book about how wonderful heaven is and that it is a paradise. That there are all ages there. Animals, dog, horses, etc. as well. But for the sake of me writing a book here, I just want to highlight what specifically he saw with regards to mansion's in heaven.
Jesse says that King David was the one that showed him his home in Heaven. Awesome!!! Jesse explains:
"Then he took me to my house. When I walked up, I looked at the grounds. There was a water fountain in the front yard and manicured grass. Everything was decorated and the furniture was just the kind I liked. I wonder if there be refrigerators in heaven and stoves too. After all Duplantis has described animals trees flowers, that heaven sounds just like earth except with improvements. Obviously we won't have to pay for the electricity. David then tells him Jesse, the earth is God's creation. His taste there is His taste here. Every desire you could possibly think of has been met to your specification for your home, plus God put a few of His own." (Heaven Close Encounters of the God Kind p.103)
My Spirit is leaping with excitement! I am so excited to know that I will not be disappointed at all with my furnishings in heaven. I really had no doubt in the first place. How could I? God is the ultimate Divine Designer!
Heaven will be a wonderful place!
ReplyDeleteWhen I first injured my neck, I was in bed for a couple of months. Somebody brought me Jesse's video to watch. I was excited with the possibility of what Heaven was like. I know it will be more than we can imagine! Keeping our eyes looking to the clouds!
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard from you in a while JBR! No! Just kidding!!! LOL...
ReplyDeleteI saw from t.v. about a show where people build bunkers or something to prepare for any calamities. I told my husband I would rather just go to His Home if there's any catastrophic event! Thanks again JBR for your sweet encouragement! God bless. Be strong in His mighty power!
I am also looking forward to living in heaven where all is peace and joy. I do believe Jesus has made a house for me there and it will be fantastic.
ReplyDeleteGod will never disappoint us. How could He, for He is perfect and His gifts are perfect.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to heaven and feasting my eyes on the love of my life, Jesus.