"Yet a time is coming
and has now come when the true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks." - John 4:23

My Heavenly Daddy is healing
me from the inside out.

Transparency is Real.
Many times painful.

Daddy let me be secure in You only!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


I am quite aware that I am in the process of still grieving my losses, but know that there has to come a time to move onward towards my goal of freedom. I certainly do not want to rush my grieving process, if I am not ready.

The last few days of what I call “mourning” for me, I even questioned “how much longer do I have to endure this emotional pain?” What I am noticing now is a pattern where the pain repeats itself too many times in one area, where in my spirit I feel I have already dealt with this particular area. This is where I question the need now to move on with God’s help.

I am quite aware there is a spiritual warfare (that we do not see) going on all around us at the same time that can have a tremendous negative influence on our thinking and belief system if one is not grounded in the Word.

Your prayers are appreciated for guidance and clear direction.

Thanks! ♥


  1. Keep you in my thoughts. Big hug

  2. Continuing to pray for GOD's guidence and direction in your heart and life. The journey is long, winding, and often difficult, but well worth the effort. Keep on keeping on...you are on your way to a greater place.
    Much prayers,

  3. There is no time table for grieving. If you feel you have accomplished and are at peace with the direction you are heading, then it would be time to move on. Be forwarned, you will probably have moments still of grief, even though you think you have tackled it all together.
    Thank you for sharing where you are at.

  4. Feelings will have their way with us and I believe it is best to feel them rather than stuff or run from them.

    I do best working through feelings when asking God to help AND taking some time to also let them out with a trusted friend or professional.

    It took a long time for me to get through my feelings of grief and anger, but it did eventually happen.

    Prayers for you,
    Prayer Girl

  5. Thank you all for your comments thus far. I certainly understand this process can last a long time, we are all different. I just need some clear guidance in this area at present. I do not want to rush it also. I am willing to go the long haul, ugh. Thanks for listening.

  6. how long does it take? as long as it takes.... when you're ready to move on, you will, and you are... i'm happy for you!!!

  7. "So God, continue the battle. Rage on and keep satan's paws off her. Allow her this day free from mourning and crying and screaming. She needs a break, a day of joy and sweet release. Take IT away, if only for a moment. She is trying so hard, dear girl."

  8. I am here thinking of you. I can understand how you are feeling. I am going through my own sort of grieving process right now as well. Hang in there.

  9. Everyone's prayers are so much appreciated, thank you!

  10. You're in my thoughts

  11. My Prayer is with you. God bless you always!

  12. You'll find your way and your day. Prayin for ya~rick

  13. You have my love and prayers sweetie.

  14. oh goodness we have a lot in common
