Every day I would bring up her page and ask the Lord, "Is this the day to send a "Friends Request?" Mind you I have not seen nor heard from her since 1990 when she moved away. Our relationship, although very co-dependent on my end, was not the horrific one that followed her. Oh that one was super scary and sick, sick, sick and at times dangerous!!
The one I am talking about here was civil. We did everything together. Involved heavily in our church's activities, especially the Deaf Ministry. I do know one thing though about her, from word-of-mouth and even her Facebook page, she has fallen away from the true belief's of God. This saddens me.
I know she was very hurt by me and how I treated her in the end. By dropping her and accusing her of things. All being fed to me by then my "new co-dependent crazy/scary person."
Today was the day to send her the Friends Request. My spirit finally felt at peace to do so. Even though I was scared to click the button. I did.
This could go either way. She may still be hurt and not even bother with me. Or, she may have forgiven me, and is curious enough to find out what has been going on with me these past twenty or so years.
If she "Friends" me on Facebook. I will take the opportunity to apologize to her.
ReplyDeleteYou have made the first step. The ball is now in her court.
ReplyDeleteGood for you JBR! Way to face your fear; you did it afraid after seeking His guidance! Trusting that God will work perfectly in the situation and praying that maybe as His light and love shine through you her heart will turn back to Him! No matter the outcome, you did what you were suppose to do :)
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of you JBR, it is not easy to make amends but in order to fully recover and forgive ourselves we need to make an honest effort. Like Wanda said, you took that step so the ball is in her court! you know you have done all you can to reach out and the rest is up t her...serenity prayers...
ReplyDeleteI think you did the right thing. I hope she will be open and friendly with you.
ReplyDeleteJBR what an opportunity for you. Not only to heal but to bring forth what you've learned over the years. She may not remember you. Only because you've changed. For the better. I hope she does respond to your request. Don't be discouraged if not. You've done your part. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteJBR, wishing you the best. It was a brave and kind thing you did. I hope that she will be open to your gesture. But if she doesn't, it doesn't take away from the fact that you reached out. xx
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! :) What a very mature step you took. I will be praying into this. Praying for reconciliation, forgiveness and a deeper plunging into God.
Just whispered a little prayer for you. You never know how God may use you to bring her back around again. Then again... He may protect you from further harm. Either way... you know He has some great plan :) Blessings!
ReplyDeleteWow that was a hard thing to do but it seems that day you were lead to send the request. I believe the Lord may have been preparing her heart for just this...you reached out. It may not work out in the end but you reached to her. I will pray for her heart and the outcome HE desires from this. Thank you for your precious comments and your visit. You blessed me. Hugs.
ReplyDeletebucketfulls of grace
ReplyDeleteon your and your journey,
and prayer for favor
as she sees your name:)
All the best in recovering a friendship. I'm sure things will work out.
ReplyDeleteIn Christ the past is wiped out, new things have come into our lives.
ReplyDeleteSometime back i met a guy with whom I had a short relaqtionship when I had backslidden. Now he is Christian and married with 2 kids, --- all things are new.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. When I became a Christian I wrote a letter to a friend whom I'd convinced Christianity was a hoax. She herself was a new convert at the time of that conversation and it caused her to let the love of the Lord slip out of her heart. It was one of the hardest things I had to do. I'd been out of contact with her outside of Christmas cards for years. She wrote back to me and told me she'd forgiven me years ago, as she had found the Lord again herself. And here we are all these years later, wonderful friends serving our Lord! I've had negative results with Friend Requests on Facebook...my family is NOT the least bit interested in Christianity or in me...so I've had it both ways. But there is ALWAYS hope. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteYou know JBR, I jumped the cliff also with a friend from the past reaching out to her in the love and friendship we once knew....we were together always, she would be the first person I spoke to in the a.m. and the last...her hubby sometimes was very jealous of our closeness....then religious differences came about, I moved off and we grew apart .... we hurt each other with our words and attitudes....I sent forth an apology twice and both times I was denied....I'm a free from the wrong of all that happened....she is not for she holds the offenses and the memory of it all ...by the very act of unforgiveness....
ReplyDeleteWhat you did was courageous. She could respond either way, may your peace endure.
ReplyDeleteI can surely appreciate your honesty here especially when you mentioned the word forgiveness. When we forgive people it frees us not them....If she does or does not accept the invite as long as you have forgiven her then you have to leave her in the Lord's hands because only He can change hearts. you may never know why all this came about but one thing I do know and that is anytime you serve God He will allow things to come our way for a reason and we don't always know the reasoning behind it...Trust Him He knows what He is doing...In the mean time I am sure you have been praying and I would say continue to pray...Prayer is a powerful weapon...AMEN
ReplyDeleteI hope this works out for you. I know it is important.
You have made the first move, let God make the next! He loves you and if this is right for you, He will ensure that you are Divinely connected.
ReplyDeleteRich blessing to you.
You stepped out in faith. Keep us posted. I ran into an old friend a while back. We were best friends in high school. We met for coffee and we both realized we had absolutely nothing in common as adults. We went our separate ways with no regrets.
ReplyDeleteOpportunities do present them selves every day....so glad that you took the lead to friend request her.....whatever happens is in God's hands and will. Thank you for your kindness over at "hope whispers". :-)
ReplyDeleteJust a little update for any of you who are interested. As of today, she has not "friended" me. Now, I do not know her habits and how many times she comes to her Facebook page. By what she has on it, there are a few weeks of lapse time from post to post. So, it may be a while. If at all.
Praying she answers you and your can clear the air. If not, do not let it affect you. Sometimes people come into our lives for a reason and than move on.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you reached out says it all, JBR. Whether she accepts your friend request or not this shows just how deep God's healing work has been done in you.
ReplyDeleteSending you a great big hug!