"Yet a time is coming
and has now come when the true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks." - John 4:23

My Heavenly Daddy is healing
me from the inside out.

Transparency is Real.
Many times painful.

Daddy let me be secure in You only!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


In order for me to heal, my stinking thinking needs to be somewhat in balance. Since I made some progress in my last t. session of being able to finally express my survival mode into la la land, the foundation is now laid. Now there is more substantial ground to work with in order to deal with the abuse down the line. The la-la lands go even deeper. Will be able now to share them in t. as I feel I am finally understood in this area.

***pausing to make sure this makes sense ???***

Normally it is group night, but we are off. Friday will be a PTO day for me as well! I certainly do welcome the time off at this point as my body is not cooperating and needs rest along with my mind.


  1. Yep it is not easy getting well. I always allude to Pam's blog title, "Sobriety is Exhausting" and at first hearing I disagreed, but not "out loud". After not too long, I saw exactly the truth, that it take WORK to stay sober. It take WORK to grow out of any painful situation.

    I think you know what I mean. So "Keep Up The Good Work"! "KUTGW"!

  2. All right, taking some time for yourself. You go girl. I hope that you have a great weekend off and you get needed me time. Love Tanya

  3. That is great and will do you good. Good that you are so kind on yourself and regocnize so well what you need and can give it to you too. Enjoy and relax. Paula xx

  4. Yay - have some time off! Have peace and rest for your body, soul and spirit. You deserve it.

    God Bless


  5. Yup, I agree to what Steve had said. Give yourself a good rest and stay focus on Him. I am strongly believe that you can overcome it - give yourself more time and let your patience complete the work.

    Grace and peace to you,

  6. James and Stevie-Thank you. I plan on overcoming it! There is no question about that! Amen!
    Ambersun, Tanya and Paula&Skip-Thank you. Rest sounds so very good.

  7. little by little, step by step, and that's what you're doing. hugs!

  8. Hi there. New Blog address for me as follows .

  9. Shadow, yeah, baby steps. Thanks.
    Karen, noted.

  10. You are making some great strides in your journey. Keep up the good work.

  11. Enjoy your time off JBR. Just relax and be good to yourself.

  12. Sounds like you are one step closer to healing. Working with a T really helped me to make sense of all the chaos in my mind. I am glad that it is also helping you.

  13. Just Be RealApril 30, 2009

    Tracy-Thank you Tracy for your continued support.
    AD-Will try.
    Janet-Appreciate your visit, thank you for your encouragement.

  14. Hi,

    Well you take that needed rest. After last weekend and extra day off hopefully will do you good. I look forward to you steps forward with your recovery and the day when the pain stops (or is just a distance memory).
    Healing thoughts to you (can you feel them I am sending them to you :)
