"Yet a time is coming
and has now come when the true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks." - John 4:23

My Heavenly Daddy is healing
me from the inside out.

Transparency is Real.
Many times painful.

Daddy let me be secure in You only!

Monday, March 08, 2010


I find comfort in my bloggy buddies.

Today was a bit rough for me at work. I felt very weak in fighting off the attacks of the enemy emotionally. He got the better of me a few times when I felt I was being ignored by my peers and I felt very hurt. I went and found a quiet place and lifted my pain up to the Lord.

I look forward to the day where I will be able to manage the pain of low self worth and shame and eventually look forward to the day that the aforementioned does not bother me anymore. If there is such a thing?

I feel so at ease once home in my own comfort zone and able to release my pain through my blogging to those who understand..... you all!


  1. (((JBR))))

  2. Isn't it great that we don't have to hide anything we feel from God. Sending you hugs!

    Your Sister in Christ,

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that you had a bad day at work, but I'm glad to know that you can release your pain by writing it out..

    Wish you a better day tomorrow!

  4. Don't feel bad. It gets to be a bit much at times. I had panic attacks last week because I was letting things get the best of me. It is hard for me to surrender things over to God a lot of times, but I am getting better. Just keep praying and holding on. The race is not given to the swift, but those who endure to the end. If you keep seeking God he will bring you out and give you more than you could have ever hoped for. Just remember to renew your mind daily. That is what I am trying to do now. I hope for it to just become routine. Well, prayers and blessings my friend. Remember you deserve to be HAPPY! Just keep seeking God to show you how to have everlasting joy throughout your days. :o)

  5. I can relate precious one. You are loved (((hugs)))

  6. This writing is definitely a release, and there are so many 'blogging buddies' ready to encourage you here. I've seen so many helpful, wise and encouraging comments on your entry pages.

    Best of all... you already have the real source of strength you need living within. And I am seeing His hand in your life through the weeks I've been following your blog. It's for sure that He has also used your friends to come alongside of you...

    Praying for a good week JBR!



  7. BIG HUGS my friend. We're with you (and praying for you).
    Hugs and blessings,

  8. Youve a network of support here JBR. We love you!

  9. Friends come in all shapes and sizes and communication methods. Maybe why you feel safe and comfortable blogging at home is because you are surrounded by friends!!!

    Take care my friend, and know you matter.

  10. There is no place as pressurized as a hostile work environment. It's like being the food in the microwave...


  11. JBR,

    I too feel very much the same way as you. I love it when the blogging community rallies around you and truly shares the love. I did notice a drop off in readers last week and thought it was my imagination but the stats indicator showed I was right. Who knows people have some school breaks soon or may be right in the middle of some. Anyway, I think you're an amazing person who is rising through the muck and mire of this situation and each day is glorified anew by our Lord and Savior, Jesus!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  12. Big MMMMWWWWAAAHHH! to you xx

  13. It IS amazing the love and support that we find here! I'm a very sensitive person and it's really easy for the enemy to get me riled up with feeling hurt by others, real or perceived. So I know how you feel in this. The Holy Spirit is a good comforter, but also speaks to us in a way that's logical, not just to give us sympathy. I like how He tells it like it is.
    hugs and blessings from someone happy to be a "bloggy bud".

  14. There will come a day where you will go through it and realize that shame and blame played no part in your actions. You will be positive and proud of your every move, never second guessing yourself or what others might think. That day will come!

  15. Praying for you my dear sweet friend, hope you have a wonderful week.
    God bless.

  16. I'm glad that God has given you a place to release your pain. Thinking of you.

  17. We do have a really amazing bunch of blogging buddies who send prayers, love and hugs when needed. ((((HUGS)))) and prayers coming your way today and every day that you need them.

  18. Always here for a wonderful lady.

  19. Sorry for your bad day. You'll have your ups and downs in life. Goes with the territory. Hang on. It does get better.

  20. I love you girl! I really do. Everything about you I love. I'm sending prayers your way even now. It is amazing that in your blogging how J.B.R. is REALLY feeling to all of those who love you, it's also communicating to God who knows you so well and loves you like none of us could ever comprehend.
    In the midst of my Mother's diagnoses of lung cancer there has been some conflict between my mother and my younger sister who takes care of her and my daddy. now, my twin sister is sorta in the midst of it, and my younger sister is not returning my calls, and when she did finally answer yesterday, she was very short and distant. That is NOT us! We are very close and always have been. I know there is so much stress going on right now in Atlanta, and I'm way up here in MN. removed from a lot of it. But, like yourself, I felt such pains of hurt and rejection. I decided to give my sister a "break" and just let her call me, releasing my feelings of insecurity to God and asking Him to just take them and praying for them. That has helped some, but I'm still feeling the sadness. I did send an email to twin and just expressed that this was not a time for conflict but a time to stick together in prayer and loving support of each other.
    Why do I always end up unloading on you when I just need to comment on your blog??? I relate to you in so many ways and do understand the pain of what you deal with each day.
    I love it that you have your devotionals and you are going to be playing and singing. You are so much more than you know you child of God you! xoxo Janie

  21. You can always share your heart with me sweet friend, love you.

  22. I know exactly what you mean. I wish that I had the same support in my real life as I do on my blog... I wish that others around me knew me on a much deeper level. We in the blog world are here for you and I can identify with a lot of the pain that you feel. I can also see that within your writing God is healing you...and one day... your pain will be your testimony of your faith and God's unbelievable healing powers...

  23. Dear JBR:

    Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Romans 8:35-37

    This is just for you dear JBR :)

    Joy, courage and passion,
