Thwarting off the enemy's attack with the Word of God and praise songs, this particular song, Made Me Glad, has been running through my head since yesterday. Cannot seem to shake it.
God knows I need ministering to at this time.
Little JBR was having a difficult time yesterday because Big JBR's critical and judgmental spirit was going full force and she was spewing at the mouth and the little one was blaming herself.
I am finding out that there is a healing balm in the words of the song.
So, I will take His ministering through song or any way He presents it to me.
Lord give me the strength today to ONLY focus on You. Help me not to beat myself up when I do fail.
I have learned "you cannot put God in a box." There is no set formula to healing in my journey.
I will bless the Lord forever
And I will trust Him at all times
He has delivered me from all fear
And he has set my feet upon a rock
And I will not be moved
And I'll say of the Lord....
You are my shield
My strength
My portion
My shelter
Strong tower
My very present help in time of need
Whom have I in Heaven but you?
There's none I desire beside you
You have made me glad
And I'll say of the Lord....
You are my shield
My strength
My portion
My shelter
Strong tower
My very present help in time of need
You have me glad
And I'll say of the Lord....
My very present help in time of need (TO FADE)
Amen. Beautiful song my friend.
ReplyDeleteJBR perfect song. My heart can use this boost as well. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteI am always so blessed by your posts. The song really ministered to me this morning, too. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYes, God uses many ways to minister to us. We miss so much when we're only open to Him in one form. Thanks for sharing the pretty song.
ReplyDeletePraise and thanksgiving in song are powerful, the Psalms show us this. King David loved to pour his heart out to God in song!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad God is bigger they any box that I can come up with. And seeing how God ministers to you ministers to me. God bless you!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that you've been feeling some self-blame these days. I too hope you are able to refrain from beating yourself up. Sometimes I like to think of it as being kind to a friend or something-- you wouldn't be so harsh to a friend, so why should you be so harsh to yourself? And even though Big JBR sometimes judges Little JBR, please know that I am here listening nonjudgmentally.
ReplyDeleteWishing you well,
i do like the song...hillsong does some amazing stuff...and there is no formula...glad you got all this out today on your blog...better once it all gets out there...
ReplyDeleteI love it when you said, "You can not put God in a box." I need to remind myself of that. His way of bringing healing to us is so individual, we can't compare that path of healing He takes us on. I LOVE Hillsong! Janie