"Yet a time is coming
and has now come when the true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks." - John 4:23

My Heavenly Daddy is healing
me from the inside out.

Transparency is Real.
Many times painful.

Daddy let me be secure in You only!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is what the journey is all about. The hope, the freedom, the realness of being me!!!

Emotionally difficult day for me today.

The emotional pain is real. The tears are real, and I know my God is real as well! And He will get me to my destination!

May the song bless you.


  1. I am so uncomfortable with most people. It is so hard to let someone see the real me. I'm so broken! I love the part in the song where He "turns the tatter fabric of live into a perfect tapestry." I can so relate to that.

    JBR I'm sorry today was so difficult for you. You are growing into such a beautiful women. I admire you greatly.

  2. JBR, this post got me thinking... if God sees the real me, then is the conflict from my perspective of myself? I often say that I am my own worst enemy. How do we change that view of ourselves?

    The one thing I know is that come Christmas day, I always start feeling better and less blue.

    Stay strong my friend and keep a song in your heart.

  3. What a beautiful song. Blessings, JBR.

  4. The Chorus gave me chills! God is with you, JBR. Unloosen your grasp. :) :) Hear that song over and over again. It is bound to help!

  5. you are right on! Don't forget that HE is much more real than even the tears and pain. HE is holding your hand and taking you forward, day by day!

    Hugs sweet friend!

  6. It's nice to be reminded that He knows our hearts and sees everything. No matter what we hide, He knows all of our pain, our secrets, our wounds. Yet, through it all, He always loves and accepts us. Many,many times. I loved the lyrics. Take care JBR! God bless.

  7. This song, absolutely, really is . . . beautiful!!! Thank you!!!

    God Bless you!!!


  8. Hope you like this:

    Just A Weaver
    by Benjamine Malachi Franklin

    My life is but a weaving,
    between my God and me,
    I do not choose the colors,
    He worketh steadily.

    Ofttimes he weaveth sorrow,
    and I in foolish pride
    Forget He sees the upper,
    and I the underside.

    Not till the loom is silent,
    and the shuttles cease to fly,
    Will God unroll the canvas,
    and explain the reasons why

    The dark threads are as needful
    in the skillful weaver's hand
    As threads of gold and silver
    in the pattern He has planned.

    Love, sandie

  9. Amazing song. I've never heard it before...thanks for sharing it! Definitely a message I needed tonight.

  10. Hugs and hope and healing to you,
    dear one.
