"Yet a time is coming
and has now come when the true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks." - John 4:23

My Heavenly Daddy is healing
me from the inside out.

Transparency is Real.
Many times painful.

Daddy let me be secure in You only!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


In lieu of my rambling post from yesterday, replacing old negative thoughts with new positive ones certainly can be a challenge. Doing just this is part of my journey's process to healing. The enemy throws negative thoughts my way. So negative they make up how I behave and what I think about myself and others and God. My brain is on overload with such negativity and goes in so many different directions.

Words are containers for power. Either good or bad. Words can either build up or pull down. I heard mainly negative words growing up. Living with such negativity most my life, and when happiness or joy tried to creep in, would only be pushed out quickly. Would have no place for such positivity in JBR's world. Constant reaffirmed negative messages from my parents, peers, teachers then believing it myself just how awful I am, I cannot do anything, I will amount to nothing, how stupid, makes me want to continue to strive for perfection (which I cannot), be co-dependent (which I DO NOT WANT) etc.

Although difficult, I am trying to replace my negative thoughts with healthy positive ones. IT IS A CHOICE! I HAVE THE CHOICE TO DO THIS. I HAVE THE CHOICE TO believe I am worthy. I have a purpose. Believing I have a right to an opinion. I am not this awful person that I was told. I do not have to carry on the shame, guilt and condemnation from my past.

One thing I am attempting to do is meditate more on Scripture (such as below) which remind me how God is in charge and who I am in Christ:

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

I do not have to take on the negative hurtful words that people say to me. I can push the STOP button to the tapes playing in my head and change out their messages to healthier messages.


  1. You're so right about the power of words! Filtering out the negative ones is not that easy, but I found reaffirming with positive ones can help..Be gentle on yourself, JBR..

  2. those seemingly inbred thoughts and reactions are hard to break. but break them, we can! hugs and love, and sending you lots of positive energy and thoughts!

  3. Yes you can JBR! Praying you can!

  4. nice. yes you can...one thing i have is a list of truths that i look to when those tapes start playing...

  5. yes, exactly JBR!!! you do have the choice and nobody says it's easy ... isn't it? but I'm so proud of you that you are trying! it's normal that once we start with positive affirmations or thoughts suddenly some time after we may even get overwhelmed by negativity - it's perfectly normal and it's in deed a good sign of a healing that took place ... what we need to do then is just to stick with the positive! blessings to you!

  6. JBR: Yes, we are in control of how we feel, but sometimes its hard to change your progrmmed responses to the new upgraded versions!!! Walking down this road myself last night, its a continuing journey for all of us. ((JBR))

  7. This is a very empowering post! You're right-- you do have a choice to believe you are worthy. But it's hard. Go easy on yourself. Things don't change immediately, but I believe they will change for you. In fact, I think they are in the process of changing for you!

    Wishing you well,

  8. Yes you are right about the words! I needed this, thanks for reminding me

  9. This is absolutely right JBR, we do not need to play any negative old records of our past or feel in any kind of shame! It is only the Devil, the liar (Satan) that tries to put these negative things back into our mind! But I truly believe if when these thoughts enter into our mind from Satan that if we tell him, oh no, I have my Lord Jesus, that the Devil will have to flee back to where he came from! Also digging deep into God's Word like you said, I feel is a wonderful way to counterattack anything that Satan tries to throw our way!!! But again calling out in the name of the Lord Jesus the Devil has to flee, for there is great power in Christ Jesus!!!

    God's Blessings to you JBR!!!


  10. Awesome and start out little and if you fail once, forgive yourself, and go on....

  11. I love this! You can take control of those negative thoughts and change them. Meditating on scripture is the best way to do it!

  12. The end of your post is soooo cool! You're turning into something your enemy will fear!! :) Pat on the back!

  13. Amen JBR! You can do it!!!

  14. Very good and very true,oh how we struggle with this one. But thank God it can be done for our Saviour is within us and he helps us at all times.
    Love ya :)

  15. I still find myself struggling with the old tapes of my childhood, but then I catch myself and turn that tape around.

    I am praying that you will see just how worthy you are to GOd and to all of us.

    You can always make a U turn anytime to turn that negative tape around.

    Peace and love to you.

  16. Amen, JBR! Replacing the negative thoughts and words with His Living Word transforms and sets us free!! PTL!

    He is Faithful!


  17. Our words are so very important. The Bible has a lot to say about what comes out of our mouth.

    Matthew 12:36-37 (New King James Version)

    But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

  18. You're off to a very good start this new year. I think it also helps to voice thanksgiving for every little thing!

  19. Hello my sister in Christ,

    Many times in group therapy I have heard it said that when we think negativly we should invision a stop sign. Eventually going on from there and flipping the statment. Like if you say to yourself, "I am stupid." Then invision the stop sign and say, "I am knowledgable in many things." For me, I can't think of a stop sign fast enough, I just say forcfully inside myself, "STOP!" And then I reverse the statment. Good to see you are coming along in therapy.

    Hugs with blessings,

  20. Something I've done in the past and should do again is write these positive things down on peices of paper to read a couple times a day...when we have heard such negative things about ourselves we have to replace those negative thoughts with positive thoughts or we will unconsciously keep believing the negative ones. This does not mean we will be successful with steering away from negativety every day...but it does mean that when we fall off the path we can get back up, brush ourselves off and remind ourselves of the truth. Having this blog and surrounding yourself with people that believe in you is such a positive thing.

    Our words really do have power...to build up or tear down...others and ourselves...When my adult kids were growing up, I would tell them this every single day before they left for school. Now I am telling this to my little's. I think I am telling this to myself as much as I am telling them.

  21. This is a very powerful post, JBR! Yes, words have power...but THE WORD of God has even more power. I'm glad you are using Scripture to combat the hurtful words that were thrown at you. God bless you, my friend. You are in my prayers :)
