"Yet a time is coming
and has now come when the true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks." - John 4:23

My Heavenly Daddy is healing
me from the inside out.

Transparency is Real.
Many times painful.

Daddy let me be secure in You only!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


"Stay face to face with God. Wrestle it out. Keep talking, even if that day you don't have anything nice to say." - Beth Moore

Yeah, there are days I am not so nice. Especially when I am wrestling with an issue with my Heavenly Daddy that I have been working on for a long time. Usually a fear producing issue. Resulting in triggering me in frustration and a "I do not care" attitude. Creating doubt and the uncertainty of who I am in Christ. Compounded with not feeling so good does not help.

Even when I am alone. I can let forth an array of negative words from my mouth against myself.

Although I have so much improved with counter-acting these measures and accepting and working through the pain of my past, there are times still.......

Thank You Daddy for Your Mercy and Grace.


  1. Boy can we all identify with this we aren't always so nice all the time. That is why God tells us to guard our hearts, because life comes from it and we can speak either life or death to a thing. WHen we need to be speaking life all the time

  2. His grace is such a precious gift.

  3. What a beautiful picture and those eyes are so piercing.

    God's grace and mercy flow into your heart and fill you with love, peace and warmth.

    Blessings hon,

  4. JBR, you capture the way it is so perfectly. God understands and is big enough to take it. We can be really mean about ourselves to though and we have to learn to be more gentle more kind to ourself. Smiles.

  5. You're not alone. I think all of us (this includes me), if we are honest with ourselves, go through times like this. It's frustrating, but I like the fact that God still accepts me as His daughter, regardless of my "crazy words."

  6. We all need his mercy and grace. We are so blessed that it is there for us!
