"Yet a time is coming
and has now come when the true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks." - John 4:23

My Heavenly Daddy is healing
me from the inside out.

Transparency is Real.
Many times painful.

Daddy let me be secure in You only!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I thought this picture was quite interesting.

The word "Revealed" came to mind for a title.

I see a woman who has discovered some painful and shameful issues in her life. God is setting her free.

What do you see?


  1. AnonymousMay 28, 2013

    The 2 words that came to me were "regret" and "low self esteem",
    Guess that's what my spirit goes through! It's probably what our spirit feels, that also just came to me so the Holy Spirit is working!
    Great post JBR!

  2. I see some one who doesn't like there face. Covering it up. Humility. Hey how've you'be been JBR? Missed coming here.

  3. Interesting. I saw a woman who is ashamed of herself.
    But that is not we should feel. We have to see God in us. He is there. And we should be proud:)

  4. Hello!Thank you for dropping by.Yes,what a interesting photo.The hidden self,that We only see ouselves....and of course, the Lord knows too.

  5. I see a woman looking in a mirror at the person who she used to be, who was unable to deal with what was happening in her life, but I see the woman that she is now strengthened by the Lord to be able to look at her former self and not be filled with fear. May God continue to bless you my friend.

  6. I see shame. I see someone coming to terms with their past...whatever her hurts are and realizing that she can go on. The hurt and the shame or guilt will always be a part of her...but it doesn't have to define her. She can move passed it and above it.

  7. Hi hon,
    I see pain, sorrow, shame, confrontation, realization, timidity, determination, fear, hope and peace. I feel turmoil, anxiety, covered inside of love, rest, security and freedom. I see the hand of the Lord covering, directing and guiding.

    Wow! That brought out a lot of emotion inside of me.

    Lifting you up dear one.

  8. Interesting photo JBR. When I look at the photo I see illusions how some times what what we see in ourselves is not really what how others see us.

  9. Hi Grace,

    I see the Lord in us reaching out to our hurting and broken self...Telling us to love ourselves...How can we love others if we do not love ourselves?
    ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’(Mark 12 30)

    Thanks for sharing this!
    Blessings~ Lisa

  10. I see a woman longing to be all she can be.

  11. God bless, JBR! Hope you're having a good day. : )

  12. I see someone who is wishing she looked differently. Interesting picture.
