"Yet a time is coming
and has now come when the true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks." - John 4:23

My Heavenly Daddy is healing
me from the inside out.

Transparency is Real.
Many times painful.

Daddy let me be secure in You only!

Saturday, August 01, 2009


Lately I have been feeling the effects physically after experiencing intense rage. Usually feeling the muscle cramps, exhaustion and pain the following day. Today was no exception. Took a few Advil and was able to relax as best I could by the pool most of the day. Something that does not come easy for me.

The picture above depicts me perfectly. I am not one that likes to “lie” in the sun. I need to be submerged somewhat. It is amazing how the body tends to keep afloat as you drift off into semi-sleep as the rays of the sun do something to the chemicals in your brain to make you sleepy. Anyway, you will usually find me standing a-float (like the picture, eyes closed, facing the sun) while activity goes on about me. At this point, nothing disturbs me. On occasion, I either loose too much consciousness and find myself head first under water. A quick wake-me-up as I recapture my breath and reposition myself once again for slumberness.


  1. I have a hard time laying and relaxing in the sun. I have found my most peaceful moments this week while on vacation have been walking casually in the waters edge.....just me and GOD.
    Blessings, andrea

  2. Dear, glad you gave yourself this break at the pool. The way you describe yourself standing in the pool leeting the sun rays traveling your face, well - that is worshipping my spirituality. Love that you can give yourself to it. Tons of hugs.

  3. That's one of the best memories I have of my country. Swimming. I used to swim for hours and hours. I'm glad you can find refuge in the water... Smiles.

  4. After a good cry I feel exhausted. Sometimes I think it is the way God designed it so that we can get rest. I hope you find some rest in your troubles.


  5. I pray you find rest, and peace in the pool. I love to swim.

  6. Thanks all for responding. The weather cooperated, and was a nice day.

  7. Slumberness. What a beautiful word to describe that sense of intense peace we finally find after a difficult time the day before. I like it!


  8. Karen, great observation. I like it too.

  9. There is just something about the water that is so soothing and calming for our nerves. Glad to know you had the time to get soaked in...just like the peace we find when we get soaked in, in the Living Water. God bless you JBR and have a great weekend!

  10. Great analogy Rcubes. The Living Water! Love it!

  11. rested refreshment enjoy that healing time.

  12. Ahhhh, swimming. I adore it. Have you ever imagined yourself in the water during times of stress?

  13. I have always thought of water as a breathing living thing. It moves in a way that pulls stress of my bones, out my head and outward. As the water moves, I imagine my troubles moving away from me. I too keep only my head above water. At the base of my skull to the bottom of my lower lip. I let the water move and not myself in it. It serves to relax, remove & rejuvenate.

    I'm glad you found peace in your water!!

  14. It is wonderful that you have found something that is capable of relaxing you and bringing some peace. That is so important.

    Love you,

  15. Many, many times in my life, before AA and during...I have just barely saved myself from drowning. And hardly ever was water involved.

    That peacefulness is yours today and Sunday, JBR, that is my prayer.

  16. Drink of the living water to fill you up adn renew your strength.

  17. Hi JBR, I come here every day. I read what you write and I am amazed at your strength. I often don't know what to say to you because I feel I have nothing to contribute to you. In a sense, I suppose I feel 'unworthy'...not very 'god-like' I know.
    But I do read...and I do have real admiration for you...
    ~ Gracie

  18. Swimming is a very therapeutic. Glad you discovered an outlet!

  19. JBR- hmm... I find that interesting. Submerged being somewhat hidden and lieing in the sun being exposed. anyway, take care and be well. ~rick

  20. I wish that I could enjoy the water. I have gotten so old that the initial cold is so uncomfortable I just don't get in. It would be nice to not care about the cold.

  21. Try this one when feel such rage. "Evil spirit of rage, in the name of Jesus Christ I bind you, I command you to leave me and to go Jesus."

    Worked for me sweetie! I need short prayers when my mind feels so distraught and this works really well.
    Praying you can find more quiet time in the pool.

  22. Isn't it amazing how relaxing water is? I haven't been in a pool for years. I'm glad you have a way to unwind some of the kinks anger causes your body.

  23. I too find much relaxation being slightly submerged in cool waters. In fact some of my most vivid dreams are of swimming for hours underwater in the most warm waters.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  24. I love the sun as well. However I can by found, most of the time, pool side. I do not like to be cold, so unless the water is about 8o, you won't find me in it.

    Glad you were able to get some down time.
    God Bless!

  25. JBR,
    Beautiful peaceful needed rest.
    I want you to know how much it means to me to be called Dear One. Your words a comfort and solace may you find the same.

  26. Glad you've able to find tranqulity in a pool. I read Living Water is referred by others here, mix that in with your pool water and you've got it made. God Bless.

  27. relaxing's never been easy for me. but in time, new habits and behaviours can be learnt, and they too, eventually, become the norm. hang in there...

  28. I absolutely love being in water ..especially the ocean. It's so relaxing.

  29. Sometimes, our emotions are effecting us physically without our even being aware of them until later. I suffer from TMJ and find myself having spasms in my jaws after I have clinched my teeth or held my mouth open in a certain way while concentrating on something. Also, I hear myself sighing periodically and realize that I am anxious without knowing why. Then I go to bed with a back ache from holding my body a certain way. All of these are unconcious actions resulting in discomfort.
    You have conjured up a picture of relaxation by describing your time in the water.
    I ask for peace for you as you deal without whatever is causing this anger.
    Mama Bear

  30. Sounds lovely; relaxing and divine. I need to do this.......

    Betty Ann (enjoy your Sunday)

  31. That sure sounds relaxing. I was sitting in the sun yesterday and all I had to cool down with was the hose.

  32. I know that achy exhaustion you speak of. Slumbering in a pool sounds like a good release.
