This woman is a tower of strength whom I admire greatly for her boldness and courage!

Abuse and the Miracle of Recovery
by Joyce Meyer
During my childhood I was abused sexually, emotionally, verbally and physically. Many of you have also been abused, or you deal with someone in your life who comes from an abusive, dysfunctional background.
What does abuse mean? It means “to misuse, to use improperly, to use up or to injure by maltreatment.” The effects of abuse can be devastating and long-lasting. Many people never recover from it. Let me give you a brief definition of the four types of abuse.
Sexual abuse: considered to be the most degrading and offensive; consists of rape, molestation, incest, exhibitionism, voyeurism and obscene phone calls.
Emotional abuse: consists of withholding attention, loving touches and words of acceptance. Love is only given based on acceptable performance. Abandonment is a type of emotional abuse and can occur when one or both parents leave the child physically or mentally. Adults can also experience abandonment if important people in their lives leave suddenly or violently.
Verbal abuse: can be overt or covert. Overt: aggressive, angry words that say you’re flawed or unacceptable. Covert: loving words of acceptance that help you develop properly are withheld.
Physical abuse: consists of beatings, unfair discipline, being locked in closets or dark rooms and withholding food.
Although I appeared to function normally in society, I had multiple inward problems and complicated personality disorders. There were several things going on in me at the time that prevented me from receiving and experiencing the righteousness, peace and joy of God’s kingdom (see Romans 14:17). But Jesus came so that we could have and enjoy kingdom living.
I was bitter about my past and had a chip on my shoulder, which caused me to have the attitude that everyone owed me preferential treatment. I was full of self-pity, especially if things didn’t go my way. I was controlling, manipulative, fearful, insecure and harsh. I was just plain hard to get along with and often downright obnoxious. I was judgmental, suspicious and very negative. I experienced a lot of guilt and condemnation. I had a shame-based nature; therefore, everything I attempted was poisoned. Since I didn’t like who I was, I spent many years trying to be like someone else. I’m sure you get the picture—I was quite a mess!
Now, what I’m getting ready to say is important. I was born again and actively involved in church life. We attended church regularly and did church work. Our lives revolved around the church, but I was not getting victory over my problems. In fact, the really sad part was that I didn’t even understand that I had a problem. I thought everyone else had a problem and that if they would change, I would be happy.
In 1976 I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 speaks of receiving God’s power to be His witnesses. Notice it does not say to do witnessing but to be witnesses. The Bible says we are to be living epistles and read by all men (see 2 Corinthians 3:2), light in a dark world, and the salt of the earth (see Matthew 5:13,14). Doing is a different thing than being. I had my outside polished up, but my inner life was a wreck. Quite often the inner turmoil exploded, and then everybody could see I wasn’t quite what I appeared to be.
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life gave me a real love for God's Word and an ability to understand it like never before. Second Corinthians 3:18 says looking into the Word of God is like looking into a mirror which transforms us into His image from glory to glory. I have been changing ever since. I have changed and changed and changed. And I’m still changing! Most of those problems are completely gone, and the rest only flare up occasionally. I even look different—younger, happier, more peaceful.
Second Corinthians 5:17 says that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; and all things are made new. But that really doesn’t mean everything from the past just vanishes. The Amplified Bible brings it out this way: Behold, the fresh and new has come! In other words, without Jesus there is no hope for newness of life. The past always affects the future without the power of God to overcome it. But even with Jesus, we are not automatically free from the past. When the fresh and new comes, there is opportunity to be free. But we must give the Word of God an exalted place in our lives. We must face the truth as it is revealed to us in His Word, and then the truth will set us free as it is acted upon.
I want to encourage you to keep pressing on! Philippians 1:6 says that He who has begun a good work in you is able to bring it to completion. You will keep changing if you stay in God’s Word and keep looking to Jesus, who is the author and the finisher of your faith (see Hebrews 12:2). Now I am enjoying the kingdom living of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. And no matter what you’ve experienced in your past or how many problems you have, God will do a miracle for you! He will change you into the image of Jesus Christ and give you a new life worth living!
In recognizing you are changing you are actually changed and not what you once were. Change is one sign of life and life always changes.
ReplyDeleteBe Change kiddo
It's great that God has picked you up. Thank you for the article, it's inspiring and a good reminder for me to keep on a course I have begun.
ReplyDeleteBecause of it, I have become stronger for me and for my kids.
God Bless
Powerful motivated spiritual woman! Enjoyed reading her testimony. This is one woman who holds nothing back and I had the pleasure of meeting her a few yrs. back. What a sheer delight.
ReplyDeleteAmen, I also greatly admire her.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for you that you have someone who fully understands all you have been through and is such a blessing and encouragement to you and others. Praise God!
I love Joyce Meyer. Sometimes I watch her on my laptop. I have read a number of her books and they always teach me.
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you for your prayers, support, and comment on my blog. You will never know how much I appreciate it.
Blessings, andrea
Excellent post! Love Her! She is definitely an instrument of hope to all of us.
Yep Joyce Meyer is a keeper! Wonderful testimony. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWhat a huge inspiration she must be! It shows how the road isn't always easy and change comes over time, just having the power to stay focused on Jesus and relying on Him, makes all the difference in the world.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
full of hope and support.
ReplyDeleteThis is truly a great statement. I wish I had God in my life - I'm still searching....
ReplyDeleteJust Be Real, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your helpful and encouraging comments. I appreciate you sharing your words of wisdom and hope.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read anything by Joyce Meyers before even though a friend of mine says she is beyond great. It is always wonderful to find new people who have overcome an abusive childhood like ours. I will have to check out her books now.
Hi JBR, thanks for sharing, guess many out there, might only think that abuse could only be physically. But by being non-verbal and indifferent, it can be yet another form of abuse. Sometimes we think it's all our fault but until you had help, you would not know any better. Bless you.
ReplyDeleteThank you all! I am glad a lot of you are familiar with Joyce, and her testimony has blessed you!
ReplyDeleteThank YOU JBR for JM's testimony and your own. It is always good. It is always anticipated.
ReplyDeleteI have read many books by Joyce Meyer. She is awesome and speaks straight from the heart.I think it is great that you are speaking out and sharing with others as you heal and grow:) Many of us have experienced some sort of abuse. My father was an alcholic and I well know the verbal abuse that results from an insecure man. healing is lifelong sometimes.
ReplyDeleteJoyce Meyers has been an incredible influence on my life. She has a wonderful ministry!
ReplyDeleteGod is so faithful. I love the verse in Philippians that you shared. He will not leave us in a static position. He continues daily to grow us and lift us to higher levels. When we cannot reach up to Him, He reaches down to us and pulls up.
What a joy to serve Him with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!
I've always been drawn to Joyce's teaching. She and I and probably alot of others have so much in common. Being sexually abused as a child brought some painful memories and disfunction into my family. THE LIES the shame. Many years of counselling got me through many problems. I'm one that can share my story with others who suffer. God has used me in many areas. Barb
ReplyDeleteI LOVE JOYCE MEYER!! What a wonderful post! She is a lady of God! Nice article.
ReplyDeleteNever heard of anyone who didn't appreciate Joyve Meyers.
ReplyDeleteSecretia (Secret Story Time) come visit!
I've seen some things by Joyce Meyers before... she is inspirational. I still have to substitute my own sense of what feels right, spiritually, but I can relate to a lot of what she's said. God is the answer, and my therapist has been the vehicle to get me to understanding this. I'm very grateful that I have a therapist who is so spiritual, so accepting of my beliefs, and so encouraging as I move through all of my secrets, obsessions, anger and sadness.
ReplyDeleteI still have to substitute the word "God" every time I see the word "Jesus" - Jesus is a very triggering word for me - but I can do this now, and get more out of what people like Joyce are saying - I can get the message.
I look up to Joyce Meyer, she is amazing, full of love, encouragement and good words. I have read a few of her books.